Terra Formars Gaiden: Rain Hard (テラフォーマーズ外伝 RAIN HARD, Terafōmāzu Gaiden RAIN HARD) is a manga series written and illustrated by Satoshi Kimura. The series is a spin-off of the Terra Formars manga series written by SAGUSA Yu and illustrated by TACHIBANA Kenichi
The 2014-41 Issue of Young Jump, released on September 11, 2014, revealed that a new spin-off series of Terra Formars named Terra Formars Gaiden: Rain Hard (テラフォーマーズ外伝 RAIN HARD) by Satoshi Kimura will start in November issue of Ultra Jump (released on October 18, 2014). The manga will be a side story about Adolf Reinhard.
Volume Guide[]
# | Release date | Volume | |
1 | February 19, 2015 | Volume 1 | |
List of Chapters: | Cover Characters: |