Lost Mission (LOST MISSION I 月の記憶, Lost Mission I Tsuki no Kioku) is a novel series written by Higashiyama Akira, it's based on the manga Terra Formars by SAGUSA Yu and TACHIBANA Kenichi.
List of Chapters[]
- Prologue: A Girl in the Tree
- Chapter 1: Blue Butterfly
- Chapter 2: Guerillas
- Chapter 3: Magical Mystery Tour
- Chapter 4: A Tribe
- Chapter 5: Skyler in Chains
- Chapter 6: Creepy Show
- Chapter 7: The River
- Chapter 8: Diary of a Madman
- Chapter 9: Sacrifice
- Chapter 10: German Lady
- Chapter 11: Curiosity
- Epilogue: El Camino
Font Cover
Inner Cover